Square Foot Gardening Broccoli, the Ultimate Guide - grow veg (2024)

Starting yoursquare foot gardening and wondering if you canplant broccoli? Here’s a surprising fact; despite its reputation as a garden hog, broccoliadapts well to the square foot method! This blog will offerguidelines on how to effectively growthese green gems in your own compact space, ensuring maximum yield.

Ready for a garden brimming with fresh, homegrown broccoli? Let’s dive in!

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

  • Broccoli is asuitable vegetableto plant in a square foot garden, with the recommendation ofone plant per square foot.
  • Proper spacing guidelines recommend planting one broccoli plant per square foot to maximize growth and yield.
  • Soil preparation, including testing pH levels and improving drainage, is essential for successful broccoli growth in a square foot garden.
  • Broccoli thrives infull sunand cooler temperatures between 60°F and 70°F.
  • Regular watering, deep root growth, and proper fertilizing techniques are important for healthy broccoli plants in a square foot garden.
  • Mulching and weed control help maintain the health of broccoli plants by suppressing weed growth and retaining moisture in the soil.
  • Pest management through natural remedies and companion planting can help protect broccoli plants from common pests like aphids and cabbage worms.
  • Disease prevention strategies such as avoiding overhead watering and crop rotation minimize the risk of fungal infections in brassica crops like broccoli.

Can You Plant Broccoli in a Square Foot Garden?

Broccoli is a suitable vegetable to plant in a square foot garden, with the recommendation ofone plant per square foot.

The suitability of growing broccoli in a square foot garden

Broccoli proves to be anexcellent candidatefor a square foot garden. This healthy green vegetable flourishes in this type of setting, despite its reputation as a space-consuming plant in traditional gardens.

In fact, theone-plant-per-square ruleworks well with broccoli due to itsmoderate size. Gardeners often find that main heads of broccoli grown in a square foot garden may appear smaller than those from larger spaces; however, they are rewarded withmore sizable and robust side headsof broccoli instead.

The yield per square foot remains respectable too – research demonstrates minimal differences between 12″ and 18″ spacing at 8.5 oz and 8.3 oz respectively.

Gaining yardage through your harvest is achievable by adhering to therecommended planting formula: one extra-large plant, four large plants, nine medium plants or sixteen small ones can occupy each square foot comfortably depending on their growth habit and mature size.

However, bear in mind vegetables like cauliflower and eggplants alongside broccoli might not be suitable due to their potential larger sizes.

Guided correctly byproper spacing guidelines,soil preparation methodstailored towardspH considerationscoupled with accurate sun exposure and temperature monitoring , you can reap bountiful rewards from your compact gardening efforts! Watering wisely along with appropriate fertilizing techniques ensures that your broccoli thrives healthily while maximizing harvest yield as well as contributing positively towards eco-friendly urban gardening practices.

Planting recommendations (one plant per square foot)

To get the most out of your square foot garden, it is recommended to plant one broccoli plant per square foot. This spacing allows each plantenough room to grow and developwithout overcrowding.

While the main heads of broccoli may be slightly smaller in size when grown this way, you can expectlarger side heads. By planting one plant per square foot, you willmaximize the quantity of harvestfor the given space.

It’s a simple and efficient way to grow delicious broccoli in your square foot garden.

Yield considerations

To get the most out of your square foot garden, it’s important to consider the yield of your broccoli plants. While each plant will take up a single square, you have options when it comes to spacing.

If you wantlarger heads of broccoli, you can plant one plant per 4 square feet. However, if you’re more concerned withmaximizing quantity, planting one broccoli plant per square foot is recommended.

Research has shown thatspacing experimentsyielded similarharvests for 12″ and 18″ spacing– around 8.5 oz and 8.3 oz respectively per square foot. So whether you’re aiming for big heads or bountiful harvests, there are ways to make the most of your square foot garden space.

Spacing and Preparation for Growing Broccoli in a Square Foot Garden

To ensure proper spacing for growing broccoli in a square foot garden, it is recommended to plant one broccoli plant per square foot.

Proper spacing guidelines

To achieve optimal growth and maximize your broccoli harvest in a square foot garden, it is important to follow proper spacing guidelines. Each broccoli plant should be given its own square foot of space.

This ensures that the plants have enough room to spread out their roots andreceive adequate sunlightfor healthy growth. It is worth noting that while the main heads of broccoli may be smaller when grown in a square foot garden, the side heads tend to be larger.

For those wanting to grow the biggest head size of broccoli, planting one plant per 4 square feet is recommended. By following these spacing guidelines, you can make the most of your square foot garden and enjoy a bountiful harvest of delicious homegrown broccoli.

Soil preparation and pH considerations

Preparing the soil and considering pH levels are important steps for successfully growing broccoli in a square foot garden. Here are some tips to help you get started:

  1. Test the soil: Use asoil testing kitor send a sample to a local cooperative extension office to determine the pH level of your soil. Broccoli grows best inslightly acidic soilwith a pH range of 6.0 to 7.0.
  2. Adjust pH if necessary: If your soil is too acidic, you can raise the pH by adding lime or wood ashes. On the other hand, if your soil is too alkaline, you can lower the pH by adding sulfur or peat moss.
  3. Improve drainage: Broccoli preferswell-draining soil, so amend heavy clay soils with organic matter like compost or aged manure to improve drainage.
  4. Provide sufficient nutrients: Before planting,enrich the soil with organic mattersuch as compost or well-rotted manure to provide essential nutrients for healthy plant growth.
  5. Consider companion planting: Some plants, like marigolds and basil, have natural pest-repelling properties that can benefit broccoli when planted nearby. Research companion plants that will support the growth of broccoli in your square foot garden.

Sun and temperature requirements

Broccoli, like many vegetables,thrives in full sun. Itneeds at least six hours of direct sunlightevery day to grow and develop properly. When it comes to temperature, broccoliprefers cooler weather.

Itcan tolerate light frostsbut isnot a fan of extreme heat. Ideally, thetemperature should be between 60°F and 70°Ffor optimal growth. So make sure tochoose a sunny spot in your gardenand keep an eye on the temperature fluctuations throughout the growing season for your square foot garden broccoli.

Watering and fertilizing tips

  1. Provideregular wateringto keep the soil consistently moist, but not waterlogged.
  2. Water deeply to encouragedeep root growthand help broccoli plants withstand heat stress.
  3. Mulch around the plants to retain soil moisture and reduce weed competition.
  4. Fertilize with a balanced organic fertilizer before planting and periodically throughout the growing season.
  5. Use anitrogen– rich fertilizerto promote healthy leafy growth.
  6. Avoid over– fertilizing, as excessive nitrogen can result in lush foliage but smaller broccoli heads.
  7. Consider using compost or well– rotted manure as a natural fertilizer option.
  8. Monitorsoil pH levelsand adjust if necessary, aiming for a slightly acidic range of 6.0-7.0.
  9. Apply a side dressing of compost or diluted fish emulsion during the growing season for additional nutrients.
  10. Regularly inspect plants for signs of nutrient deficiencies or excesses, such as yellowing leaves or stunted growth, and take appropriate action.

Remember to adjust watering and fertilizing practices based on your specific garden conditions and observe how your broccoli plants respond to ensure optimal growth and yield.

Care and Maintenance of Broccoli in a Square Foot Garden

Mulching is essential for weed control and moisture retention in a square foot garden, so be sure to apply a layer of organic mulch around your broccoli plants.

Mulching and weed control

Mulching and weed control are important aspects of caring for your broccoli plants in a square foot garden. Here are some tips to help you keep your garden weed-free and your plants healthy:

  1. Use mulch:Apply a layer of organic mulch, such as straw or wood chips, around your broccoli plants. Mulch helps tosuppress weeds by blocking sunlightand reducing weed growth.
  2. Weed regularly: Regularly check your garden for weeds and remove them by hand, making sure to pull them out from the root to prevent regrowth.
  3. Avoid deep cultivation: Be careful when cultivating the soil around your broccoli plants to avoid disturbing their shallow root systems. Deep cultivation can damage the roots and leave your plants vulnerable to pests and diseases.
  4. Use a hoe: A hoe can be a useful tool for lightly cultivating the soil between your plants, loosening the top layer and disrupting any emerging weeds.
  5. Water deeply: Watering deeply at the base of your broccoli plants helps to encourage strong root growth, making them more resilient against weeds.
  6. Use organic weed control methods: Consider using organic weed control methods, such as vinegar or boiling water, to tackle persistent weeds without introducing harmful chemicals into your garden.

Pests and disease management

To ensure a healthy and thriving broccoli crop in your square foot garden, it’s important to manage pests and diseases effectively. Here are some tips to help you keep your plants safe:

  1. Keep an eye out forcommon pests such as aphids, cabbage worms, and slugs. Regularly check the undersides of leaves for any signs of infestation.
  2. If you spot pests, try usingnatural remedies like neem oil or insecticidal soapto control them. These options are less harmful to beneficial insects and the environment.
  3. Companion planting can also help deter pests. Consider planting marigolds or nasturtiums near your broccoli as they repel certain insects.
  4. Disease prevention is crucial for a successful harvest. Avoid overhead watering, as this can promote fungal diseases like powdery mildew. Instead, water at the base of the plants.
  5. Rotate your crops each year to minimize the risk of disease buildup in the soil. Broccoli belongs to the brassica family, so avoid planting it in the same spot where other brassicas were grown previously.
  6. Weed regularly to prevent competition for nutrients and reduce hiding places for pests.
  7. Monitor your plants closely and remove any diseased leaves or plants promptly to prevent the spread of infections.

Harvesting techniques

To ensure a successful harvest of broccoli from your square foot garden, follow these simple harvesting techniques:

  1. Check for maturity: Wait until themain head of broccoli is firm and tight. It should bedark green in color with no signs of yellowing or flowering.
  2. Use sharp pruners: Cut the main head of broccoli about 5 inches below the crown using a pair of sharp pruners or scissors. This will allow side heads to develop.
  3. Harvest side heads: After cutting the main head, smallside heads will start to grow. Harvest them when they reach a good size, usually about 4-6 inches in diameter.
  4. Don’t wait too long: Broccoli can become overripe quickly, so it’s best to harvest regularly once the heads are ready. Overripe broccoli can become bitter and tough.
  5. Cut at an angle: When harvesting side heads, make sure to cut at an angle to prevent water from pooling on top and potentially causing rot.
  6. Leave some plants for seed production: If you’re interested in saving seeds for future planting, leave some plants unharvested so they can produce mature seed pods.
  7. Enjoy fresh or store properly: Broccoli is best eaten immediately after harvest for maximum flavor and nutritional value. If you have excess broccoli, store it in a plastic bag in the refrigerator for up to a week.

Tips for growing large heads

To grow larger heads of broccoli in your square foot garden, there are a few tips you can follow. First, consider plantingone plant per 4 square feetinstead of the typical one plant per square foot recommendation.

This allows more space for the head to develop and can result in bigger sizes. Another tip is to ensure that your plants receiveadequate sunlight and waterconsistently. Broccoli loves full sun and requires regular watering to thrive.

Additionally, make sure to provide the right nutrients byfertilizing the soil with organic matter or compostbefore planting. Lastly, keep an eye out forpests and diseases that can hinder growthand take appropriate measures to manage them effectively.

Other Crops Suitable for Square Foot Gardening

Looking to maximize your square foot garden? Discover companion planting options, combination planting ideas, and other vegetables that thrive in a small space. Read on for more gardening inspiration!

Companion planting options

  • Growing broccoli alongside carrotscan help deter pests such as aphids and cabbage worms.
  • Planting broccoli with marigoldscan attract beneficial insects like ladybugs, which prey on harmful pests.
  • Onions and garlic planted near broccolican act as natural repellents for pests.
  • Nasturtiums are a great companion plant for broccoli, as they repel aphids and other pests while attracting pollinators.
  • Planting herbs like thyme and sage around broccolican improve its flavor and deter pests.
  • Beans, peas, and other legumes fix nitrogen in the soil, benefiting the growth of broccoli.
  • Avoid planting broccoli near tomatoes, peppers, or strawberries, as they have similar nutrient needs and may compete for resources.

Combination planting ideas

  • Plant broccoli alongsidecompanion plants like lettuce, spinach, or onionsto maximize space and create a diverse garden.
  • Try planting broccoli withother brassicas such as cabbage, Brussels sprouts, or Chinese cabbagefor a harmonious blend of flavors and textures.
  • Consider pairing broccoli withherbs like basil or dillto enhance the taste and aroma of your dishes.
  • Mix in someedible flowers like marigolds or nasturtiumsfor a pop of color and added pollinator attraction.
  • Explore vertical gardening techniques by growingclimbing plants like beans or peasnear your broccoli plants, making use of the vertical space in your garden.
  • Experiment with intercropping by plantingfast– growing crops like radishes or salad greensbetween rows of broccoli to make the most of every inch of soil.
  • Create a winter garden by combiningcold– tolerant vegetables such as kale, Swiss chard, and carrotswith your broccoli plants to extend your harvest season.
  • Incorporatecrop rotation principlesby alternating the placement of your broccoli plants each year with different vegetables to maintain soil health and reduce pest and disease problems.

Remember to consider the growth habits and spacing requirements of each plant when planning combinations. By experimenting with different pairings, you can discover unique flavor combinations and maximize the productivity of your square foot garden. Happy planting!

Additional vegetables that thrive in a square foot garden

  1. Carrots: Plant 16 small carrot plants in one square foot of your garden to enjoy abountiful harvestof this versatile veggie.
  2. Lettuce: Sow nine medium-sized lettuce plants in one square foot for anendless supplyof fresh, crispy leaves throughout the growing season.
  3. Radishes: Maximizing space is easy with radishes – plant sixteen small radish plants in a single square foot and enjoy peppery roots in no time.
  4. Spinach: Tasty and nutritious, spinach thrives in a square foot garden. Grow four large spinach plants per square foot for anabundant yield.
  5. Swiss Chard: This leafy green can be grown as part of your square foot gardening plan. Plant nine medium-sized Swiss chard plants forcontinuous harvestall season long.
  6. Herbs: Basil, parsley, thyme – herbs are perfect forsmaller spaces! Plant several varieties per square foot and have fresh herbs at your fingertips.
  7. Green Onions: These flavorful onions can be grown densely in your square foot garden. Fit sixteen small green onion plants into each square for aplentiful supply.
  8. Peppers: Enjoy homegrown peppers by planting one pepper plant per square foot. Choose from sweet bell peppers or spicy chili varieties to suit your taste buds.
  9. Bush Beans: Plant four large bush bean plants in each square and watch them climb towards the sky while producing delicious pods.
  10. Tomatoes: While they need some support, tomatoes can thrive in a square foot garden too! Space them out by planting one plant per two squares formaximum yield.

Remember, with proper planning and thoughtful spacing, you can grow a variety of vegetables in your square foot garden to create a vibrant and productive oasis right outside your door! So get started with these additional vegetable options and explore the possibilities of maximizing your harvest this season.


In conclusion, square foot gardening is a fantastic method for growing broccoli. By following proper spacing guidelines and implementing the rightcare and maintenance techniques, gardeners can enjoy abountiful harvestof delicious broccoli heads.

Plus, with the added bonus oflarger side heads, square foot gardening allows formaximum yield in limited space. So grab your gardening gloves and get ready to reap the rewards in your own backyard!


Q: What is square foot gardening?

A: Square foot gardening is a method of gardening that involves dividing the garden into small, square sections and growing different plants in each section.

Q: Why should I consider square foot gardening for growing broccoli?

A: Square foot gardening is a great option for growing broccoli because it allows you to maximize the use of space in your garden. Broccoli plants can be spaced closely together in square foot gardening, which means you can grow more broccoli in a smaller area.

Q: How much space do broccoli plants need in square foot gardening?

A: Broccoli plants need about 1 square foot of space each in square foot gardening.

Q: Can I grow broccoli from seeds in square foot gardening?

A: Yes, you can grow broccoli from seeds in square foot gardening. Start the seeds indoors and then transplant the seedlings into your garden.

Q: How do I plant broccoli in square foot gardening?

A: To plant broccoli in square foot gardening, make sure the soil is well-drained and enriched with organic matter. Space your broccoli plants 12 inches apart in all directions.

Q: Can I use a trellis for growing broccoli in square foot gardening?

A: Yes, you can use a trellis for growing broccoli in square foot gardening. It will help support the plants and maximize the use of vertical space.

Q: When can I harvest broccoli in square foot gardening?

A: Broccoli can be harvested when the heads are firm and tightly closed. This usually happens about 60-80 days after transplanting the seedlings.

Q: How do I know when to thin the broccoli plants in square foot gardening?

A: You should thin the broccoli plants in square foot gardening when they are about 4-6 inches tall. Remove the weaker plants to give the remaining ones more space to grow.

Q: Can I grow other plants alongside broccoli in square foot gardening?

A: Yes, you can grow other plants alongside broccoli in square foot gardening. Just make sure to consider the spacing requirements of each plant and plan accordingly.

Q: What are some good companion plants for broccoli in square foot gardening?

A: Good companion plants for broccoli in square foot gardening include pole beans, cucumber, and melon.

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Square Foot Gardening Broccoli, the Ultimate Guide - grow veg (2024)


What is the trick to growing broccoli? ›

Broccoli's optimum growing conditions include a location with well-drained, fertile soil with a pH of 6.0 to 6.5 and at least six hours of sun. Soil test your location several weeks prior to your planting date to adjust and apply amendments accordingly. Avoid soils that are sandy or hold too much moisture.

How many square feet does it take to grow vegetables? ›

Plant Your Favorite Veggies

The formula for planting is simple: one extra-large plant per 1x1-foot square; four large plants per square; nine medium plants per square; and 16 small plants per square.

What not to plant with broccoli? ›

Some plants may harm your broccoli harvest by using the same soil nutrients or by attracting pests. Here's what to avoid planting alongside broccoli: Nightshades. Tomatoes, eggplants, and peppers seem to have an adverse effect on broccoli in most cases, but this may not always be true in your garden.

Can I plant 2 broccoli plants together? ›

Generally, broccoli plants should be 18 inches apart. If planted in rows, space rows 24 inches apart to give yourself enough room to walk between them, but you can plant two or three abreast in a row to minimize aisle space.

How much broccoli should I plant for a family of 4? ›

Broccoli. Grow 2 to 4 plants per person. Yield 4 to 6 pounds per 10-foot row. Space plants 18 to 24 inches apart equidistant or in rows 3 feet apart.

Why is broccoli so hard to grow? ›

As it's a brassica, broccoli is susceptible to several pests and diseases that affect the cabbage family, including clubroot and cabbage root fly. It is best grown under fine-mesh netting to protect it from cabbage caterpillars and pigeons. Cabbage whitefly and aphids may sometimes be problematic.

How many heads of broccoli do you get from one plant? ›

A head of broccoli is considered the main stem and branch. Each plant produces just one head. Once the large central head is harvested, florets continue to emerge from leafstalks. Much smaller, these also are edible.

What is the best fertilizer for broccoli? ›

After initial fertilization at planting, apply 2 pounds of 5-10-15 fertilizer or equivalent per 100 square feet of bed each month during the growing season. Mulch broccoli with pine straw or leaves to keep weeds away and to preserve moisture in the soil.

What is a square foot vegetable garden layout? ›

Grid Gardening

A square foot garden can be thought of as a grid. For example – a raised bed that is 4 feet by 4 feet would have 16 square feet. With square foot gardening you could plant 16 different vegetables if you wanted, one in each square. Or you could have 16 squares of the same vegetable.

What is the square foot garden method? ›

Square foot gardening is the practice of dividing the growing area into small square sections. The aim is to assist the planning and creating of a small but intensively planted vegetable garden. It results in a simple and orderly gardening system, from which it draws much of its appeal.

Is it cheaper to grow your own vegetables? ›

When done correctly, even the smallest backyard plot can produce copious amounts of fruits and vegetables and possibly even a significant saving to the grocery budget. However, it takes time and patience, and a small outlay of money to buy seeds, and tools, if you need them.

Are coffee grounds good for broccoli plants? ›

Coffee grounds

As the grounds break down, they will release potassium, nitrogen, magnesium and other beneficial minerals into the soil. Coffee grounds also lower the soil's pH which is beneficial for some types of plants, like artichokes, broccoli, lima beans and beets.

Can I plant broccoli near tomatoes? ›

Broccoli, another vegetable in the brassica family, isn't a good choice for planting alongside tomatoes. That's because tomatoes are notoriously hungry for nutrients, and broccoli will compete for the same selection of nutrients in the soil.

What plants best with broccoli? ›

For poorer soils, we recommend companion planting broccoli with herbs, since herbs will not compete with the broccoli for nutrients and can even keep pests away with their aroma. For example, the annual herbs dill and basil, or onions, garlic and spring onions all make great neighbours for broccoli.

How close together to plant broccoli? ›

I've been growing broccoli in beds 18 inches apart in rows and 18 inches between the rows. I watched a show - called P. Allen Smith on PBS a few weeks ago - and was quite surprised that he said broccoli could be planted 12 inches apart between plants and between rows.

How much broccoli does 1 plant produce? ›

A head of broccoli is considered the main stem and branch. Each plant produces just one head. Once the large central head is harvested, florets continue to emerge from leafstalks. Much smaller, these also are edible.

How many plants can I fit per square foot? ›

The number of plants you can plant in a square foot garden will depend on the type of plants you are growing and the spacing between them – you can typically place 1, 2, 4, 8, 9, or 16 plants per square foot.


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