Simple Front Yard Flower Bed Ideas: Planning, Designing, And Maintenance | Garvillo (2024)

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Explore simple front yard flower bed ideas for a stunning garden. From planning and designing to soil preparation and maintenance, learn how to create a beautiful and low-maintenance flower bed.

Planning Your Front Yard Flower Bed

Determining the Size and Shape

When planning your front yard flower bed, it’s important to consider the size and shape that will best complement your home and landscaping. Ask yourself questions like: How much space do I have available? Do I want a small, intimate flower bed or a larger, more expansive one? By determining the size and shape of your flower bed, you can create a visually appealing and well-proportioned space.

Choosing the Right Location

The location of your front yard flower bed is crucial for the health and growth of your plants. Consider factors such as sunlight, shade, and proximity to other landscaping features. Does your desired location receive enough sunlight for the flowers you want to plant? Will nearby trees or structures cast shadows that could affect plant growth? By choosing the right location, you can ensure that your flowers will thrive.

Assessing Sunlight and Soil Conditions

Before planting your flower bed, it’s essential to assess the sunlight and soil conditions of your chosen location. Different flowers have varying sunlight requirements, so it’s important to match them to the conditions in your front yard. Additionally, soil quality is crucial for plant growth. Consider factors such as drainage, pH levels, and nutrient content. By assessing sunlight and soil conditions, you can select flowers that will flourish in your front yard.

In summary, planning your front yard flower bed involves determining the size and shape, choosing the right location, and assessing sunlight and soil conditions. By carefully considering these factors, you can create a vibrant and flourishing flower bed that enhances the beauty of your home.

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Choosing Low-Maintenance Flowers

When selecting flowers for your front yard flower bed, it’s important to choose varieties that are low-maintenance. These flowers will require less attention and care, making them ideal for busy homeowners or those who are new to gardening. Here are a few factors to consider when choosing low-maintenance flowers:

  • Hardiness: Look for flowers that are known for their durability and ability to withstand various weather conditions. These hardy flowers will require less watering and are less prone to diseases and pests.
  • Native species: Consider planting native flowers that are adapted to your local climate and soil conditions. Native species are well-suited to the environment and often require less water, fertilizer, and maintenance.
  • Perennials: Opt for perennial flowers that come back year after year, rather than annuals that need to be replanted each season. Perennials are generally easier to care for and require less effort to maintain.
  • Drought-tolerant: Choose flowers that are drought-tolerant, especially if you live in an area with limited water resources or experience dry summers. These flowers can withstand periods of drought without wilting or dying.

By selecting low-maintenance flowers, you can enjoy a beautiful front yard flower bed without spending excessive time and effort on upkeep.

Incorporating Seasonal Blooms

To add interest and variety to your front yard flower bed, consider incorporating seasonal blooms. By carefully selecting flowers that bloom at different times throughout the year, you can ensure that your flower bed remains vibrant and colorful no matter the season. Here are a few tips for incorporating seasonal blooms:

  • Research bloom times: Look up the blooming periods of different flowers to determine when they are at their peak. Choose a combination of early spring, summer, and fall bloomers to ensure year-round color.
  • Plan for succession planting: Succession planting involves replacing faded or spent blooms with new flowers throughout the season. This technique allows for a continuous display of color and prevents your flower bed from looking empty or dull.
  • Consider bulbs: Planting bulbs such as tulips, daffodils, or hyacinths can add bursts of color in the spring when other flowers may not be blooming yet. Bulbs are easy to plant and provide a stunning display when they emerge.
  • Include evergreens: Incorporating evergreen plants or shrubs in your flower bed will ensure that there is some greenery even during the winter months. This provides a backdrop for seasonal blooms and adds visual interest throughout the year.

By incorporating seasonal blooms, you can create a front yard flower bed that changes with the seasons and keeps your landscape looking fresh and inviting.

Creating a Colorful and Cohesive Design

When designing your front yard flower bed, it’s important to create a colorful and cohesive design that is visually appealing. Here are some tips to help you achieve this:

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  • Choose a color palette: Decide on a color scheme for your flower bed. You can opt for complementary colors (colors opposite each other on the color wheel) for a bold and vibrant look, or choose analogous colors (colors next to each other on the color wheel) for a more harmonious and calming effect.
  • Consider height and texture: Incorporate flowers with different heights and textures to add visual interest. Mix tall flowers, such as delphiniums or hollyhocks, with shorter ones like daisies or pansies. Include flowers with varying leaf shapes and textures to create a dynamic and visually appealing display.
  • Use repetition: Repeat certain flower varieties or colors throughout your flower bed to create unity and cohesion. This repetition will tie the design together and give it a polished and professional look.
  • Think about bloom times: Plan your design so that there are always flowers in bloom throughout the season. This will ensure that your flower bed remains colorful and vibrant from spring to fall.
  • Consider the surroundings: Take into account the architecture and style of your home when designing your front yard flower bed. Choose flowers that complement the overall aesthetic and enhance the curb appeal of your property.

By following these tips and considering color, texture, and bloom times, you can create a front yard flower bed that is both visually stunning and cohesive in design.

Creating a beautiful and well-designed flower bed layout for your front yard is an exciting project that can greatly enhance the overall appearance of your home. By carefully considering the design elements, you can create a stunning focal point that will impress both guests and passersby. In this section, we will explore three key aspects of designing your front yard flower bed layout: creating borders and edges, arranging plants by height and spacing, and incorporating focal points or centerpieces.

Creating Borders and Edges

One of the first steps in designing your front yard flower bed layout is to create defined borders and edges. This helps to establish a clear boundary for your flower bed and prevents it from blending into the surrounding landscape. There are several options for creating borders and edges, including:

  • Traditional Edging: This involves using materials such as bricks, stones, or metal strips to create a defined edge around your flower bed. This not only adds visual appeal but also helps to keep your plants contained and prevents them from spreading into other areas of your yard.
  • Natural Edging: If you prefer a more organic look, you can use natural materials like rocks, logs, or even plants to create a border for your flower bed. This can give your front yard a more rustic and natural feel.
  • Planting Borders: Another option is to create borders using plants themselves. For example, you can use low-growing flowers or ornamental grasses to create a soft and flowing edge for your flower bed. This can add a sense of movement and texture to your front yard.

Arranging Plants by Height and Spacing

Once you have established the borders and edges of your flower bed, it’s important to consider the height and spacing of the plants you will be using. This will help create a visually appealing and balanced arrangement. Here are some tips for arranging plants by height and spacing:

  • Tall Plants as Backdrop: Start by placing taller plants at the back of your flower bed. These plants will serve as a backdrop and provide a vertical element to your design. They can also help create a sense of depth and make your flower bed appear larger.
  • Medium Plants in the Middle: Place medium-sized plants in front of the taller plants. These plants will fill in the middle section of your flower bed and provide a transition between the taller and shorter plants. Consider the growth habits and spread of each plant to ensure they have enough space to thrive without overcrowding.
  • Low Plants in the Front: Finally, place low-growing plants at the front of your flower bed. These plants will serve as a border and create a neat and tidy appearance. Choose plants with interesting foliage or colorful flowers to add visual interest to this area.

Incorporating Focal Points or Centerpieces

To create a truly captivating front yard flower bed, it’s important to incorporate focal points or centerpieces. These elements draw the eye and provide a visual anchor for your design. Here are some ideas for incorporating focal points or centerpieces:

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  • Tall and Dramatic Plants: Consider using tall and dramatic plants, such as ornamental grasses or flowering shrubs, as focal points within your flower bed. These plants will stand out and create a striking visual impact.
  • Garden Art or Sculptures: Another option is to incorporate garden art or sculptures as centerpieces. This can add a unique and artistic touch to your front yard and create a focal point that is both visually appealing and conversation-starting.
  • Water Features: If you have the space and resources, consider adding a small water feature, such as a fountain or birdbath, as a centerpiece for your flower bed. The sound and movement of water can create a tranquil and soothing atmosphere.

By carefully considering the design elements of creating borders and edges, arranging plants by height and spacing, and incorporating focal points or centerpieces, you can create a front yard flower bed layout that is both visually stunning and harmonious. So let your creativity flow and transform your front yard into a beautiful oasis of color and life.

Preparing the Soil for Your Flower Bed

Removing Weeds and Grass

Before you start planting your front yard flower bed, it’s important to clear the area of any weeds and grass that may compete with your flowers for nutrients and space. Here are some steps you can take to effectively remove weeds and grass:

  1. Start by manually pulling out weeds and grass from the flower bed. Be sure to remove the entire root system to prevent regrowth.
  2. Use a garden hoe or a spade to dig out any stubborn weeds or grass that are deeply rooted.
  3. Consider using a weed killer or herbicide for larger areas with persistent weed problems. Follow the instructions carefully and avoid spraying near desirable plants.
  4. Regularly monitor your flower bed for any new weed growth and promptly remove them to prevent them from spreading.

Amending Soil with Organic Matter

To create an ideal growing environment for your flowers, it’s important to amend the soil with organic matter. Organic matter helps improve soil structure, drainage, and nutrient content. Here are some ways to incorporate organic matter into your flower bed:

  1. Add compost: Compost is a valuable source of organic matter that enriches the soil with essential nutrients. Spread a layer of compost over the flower bed and mix it into the top few inches of soil.
  2. Use organic fertilizers: Organic fertilizers, such as well-rotted manure or fish emulsion, can provide a nutrient boost to the soil. Follow the instructions on the fertilizer packaging for application rates.
  3. Consider using cover crops: Cover crops, like clover or legumes, can be grown in the flower bed during the off-season to add organic matter when they are later turned into the soil.

Testing and Adjusting Soil pH Levels

The pH level of your soil plays a crucial role in the health and growth of your flowers. Most flowers prefer a slightly acidic to neutral pH range. To ensure the optimal pH for your flower bed, follow these steps:

  1. Test the soil pH: Use a soil testing kit or send a sample to a local extension office to determine the pH level of your soil. The test results will provide valuable information about the soil’s acidity or alkalinity.
  2. Adjust the pH if necessary: If the soil pH is too acidic (below 6.0) or too alkaline (above 7.0), you can make adjustments using soil amendments. For acidic soil, add lime to raise the pH. For alkaline soil, add sulfur or peat moss to lower the pH.
  3. Follow the recommended application rates: Be sure to follow the instructions on the soil amendments carefully, as applying too much can have adverse effects on plant growth.

By taking the time to properly prepare the soil for your flower bed, you are setting the stage for healthy and vibrant flowers that will thrive in their new home. Remember to remove weeds and grass, amend the soil with organic matter, and test and adjust the soil pH if necessary.

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Properly Planting Flowers and Bulbs

When it comes to planting flowers and bulbs in your front yard flower bed, there are a few key considerations to keep in mind. First and foremost, you’ll want to choose flowers and bulbs that are suitable for your climate and the specific conditions of your flower bed. Consider factors such as sunlight exposure, soil type, and water requirements.

To ensure proper planting, start by preparing the soil. Remove any weeds or grass in the area and amend the soil with organic matter such as compost or aged manure. This will help improve the soil’s fertility and drainage, providing a healthy environment for your flowers and bulbs to thrive.

Next, carefully follow the planting instructions for each type of flower or bulb. Dig a hole that is deep enough to accommodate the root system and place the plant or bulb in the hole, making sure it is positioned at the correct depth. Gently backfill the hole with soil, firming it around the plant to provide stability.

Remember to space your plants appropriately to allow for proper growth and airflow. This will help prevent overcrowding and reduce the risk of pests and diseases. Regularly watering your newly planted flowers and bulbs is crucial, especially during the establishment phase. Monitor the soil moisture and adjust your watering schedule accordingly to ensure adequate hydration.

Providing Adequate Watering and Drainage

Watering your front yard flower bed is an essential part of maintaining healthy plants. However, it’s important to strike a balance between providing enough water and avoiding overwatering. Different flowers and bulbs have varying water requirements, so it’s important to understand the needs of each plant in your flower bed.


To determine when and how much to water, consider factors such as the type of soil, weather conditions, and the specific needs of the plants. As a general rule, it’s better to water deeply and infrequently rather than shallowly and frequently. This encourages the plants to develop deep root systems, making them more resilient to drought conditions.

In addition to watering, proper drainage is crucial for the health of your flower bed. Poor drainage can lead to waterlogged soil, which can suffocate the roots and promote the growth of harmful fungi and bacteria. If your soil has a tendency to retain water, consider incorporating organic matter or using raised beds to improve drainage.

Mulching and Controlling Weeds

Mulching is an effective way to suppress weeds, conserve moisture, and regulate soil temperature in your flower bed. By applying a layer of organic mulch, such as wood chips or straw, you can create a protective barrier that helps prevent weed growth and retain moisture in the soil.

When applying mulch, be sure to leave a small gap around the base of each plant to prevent the mulch from directly touching the stems. This helps prevent moisture buildup and reduces the risk of diseases. Aim for a mulch depth of around 2-3 inches, taking care not to smother the plants.

In addition to mulching, it’s important to regularly inspect your flower bed for weeds and take prompt action to control them. Weeds can compete with your flowers and bulbs for nutrients, water, and sunlight, so it’s important to stay on top of their removal.

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Hand-pulling is often an effective method for removing weeds, especially when they are small and have shallow roots. For larger or more persistent weeds, you may need to use tools such as a garden hoe or weed trimmer. Be sure to remove the entire weed, including the roots, to prevent regrowth.

By properly planting your flowers and bulbs, providing adequate watering and drainage, and implementing mulching and weed control measures, you can ensure the long-term health and beauty of your front yard flower bed. Remember to regularly monitor and maintain your flower bed to address any issues that may arise and enjoy the rewards of a vibrant and thriving garden.

Adding Additional Features to Your Front Yard Flower Bed

Incorporating various features into your front yard flower bed can elevate its overall aesthetic appeal and create a more inviting atmosphere for your home. By adding pathways or walkways, installing decorative borders or retaining walls, and incorporating outdoor lighting for nighttime appeal, you can transform your flower bed into a stunning focal point. Let’s explore these exciting options in more detail.

Incorporating Pathways or Walkways

Adding pathways or walkways to your front yard flower bed not only enhances its visual appeal but also improves accessibility. Imagine strolling through your garden, surrounded by blooming flowers and lush greenery, with a clearly defined path guiding your way. Here are some key considerations when incorporating pathways or walkways:

  1. Material selection: Choose materials that complement the overall design and style of your front yard. Options such as natural stone, brick pavers, or gravel can add a touch of elegance and durability to your pathways.
  2. Design and layout: Determine the most logical and aesthetically pleasing route for your pathways. Consider the flow of foot traffic and any existing features in your front yard. Curved or winding paths can add visual interest, while straight paths create a more formal look.
  3. Width and accessibility: Ensure that your pathways are wide enough to accommodate comfortable walking and any necessary equipment, such as wheelbarrows or lawnmowers. Additionally, consider accessibility for individuals with mobility challenges by incorporating ramps or gradual inclines where needed.
  4. Pathway edging: Use edging materials such as bricks or stones to define the borders of your pathways. This not only adds a finishing touch but also helps to prevent the encroachment of grass or weeds.

Installing Decorative Border or Retaining Walls

Installing decorative borders or retaining walls can add depth and structure to your front yard flower bed. These features not only provide a sense of organization but also serve practical purposes, such as preventing soil erosion and creating distinct planting areas. Here’s what you need to know:

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  1. Material selection: Consider using materials that complement your home’s exterior and the overall aesthetic of your front yard. Options like natural stone, bricks, or treated timber can provide a timeless and visually appealing look.
  2. Design and height: Determine the desired height and style of your border or retaining wall. Lower borders can define the edges of your flower bed, while taller walls can create terraced sections or add visual interest to slopes.
  3. Drainage considerations: Ensure that your border or retaining wall allows for proper drainage to prevent water accumulation. Incorporate drainage outlets or weep holes where necessary to maintain the health of your plants.
  4. Planting opportunities: Utilize the top surface of your border or retaining wall as an additional planting area. Choose low-growing plants or cascading varieties to add a vertical element and enhance the overall beauty of your flower bed.

Adding Outdoor Lighting for Nighttime Appeal

Outdoor lighting not only extends the enjoyment of your front yard flower bed into the evening hours but also adds a magical ambiance to your outdoor space. Here are some tips for incorporating outdoor lighting effectively:

  1. Strategic placement: Identify key focal points within your flower bed and highlight them with well-placed lighting. Consider illuminating tall plants, statues, or architectural features to create a captivating nighttime display.
  2. Lighting types: Choose from a variety of lighting options, such as spotlights, path lights, or string lights, to achieve different effects. Experiment with warm or cool tones to create the desired mood in your front yard.
  3. Energy-efficient options: Opt for LED lights, which are not only energy-efficient but also long-lasting. This can help reduce your environmental impact and save on electricity costs.
  4. Safety considerations: Ensure that your outdoor lighting is installed in a way that doesn’t create tripping hazards or interfere with foot traffic. Use timers or motion sensors for added convenience and security.

By incorporating pathways or walkways, installing decorative borders or retaining walls, and adding outdoor lighting, you can transform your front yard flower bed into a captivating and welcoming space. These additional features not only enhance the visual appeal but also provide practical benefits, making your flower bed a true showstopper.

Simple Front Yard Flower Bed Maintenance Tips

Maintaining a beautiful front yard flower bed doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With some simple maintenance tips, you can keep your flower bed looking vibrant and healthy all year round. In this section, we will explore three essential aspects of flower bed maintenance: pruning and deadheading flowers, fertilizing and feeding plants, and pest and disease control measures.

Pruning and Deadheading Flowers

Pruning and deadheading are important tasks to keep your flowers looking their best. Pruning involves trimming back overgrown or damaged branches, while deadheading refers to the removal of spent flowers. Here are some tips to help you with these tasks:

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  1. Pruning Techniques: When pruning, make sure to use clean and sharp pruning shears to avoid damaging the plants. Remove any dead, diseased, or crossing branches to promote healthy growth. Additionally, consider the shape and size of the plant when pruning to maintain its overall aesthetic appeal.
  2. Deadheading Benefits: Deadheading not only improves the appearance of your flower bed but also encourages more blooms. By removing faded flowers, you redirect the plant’s energy towards producing new buds. This prolongs the blooming season and keeps your flower bed looking fresh and colorful.
  3. Timing is Key: It’s important to prune and deadhead flowers at the right time. For most flowering plants, it’s best to deadhead regularly throughout the growing season to prevent seed production and promote continuous blooming. As for pruning, timing varies depending on the plant species, so it’s essential to research specific guidelines for each flower in your bed.

Fertilizing and Feeding Plants

To ensure healthy growth and vibrant blooms, it’s crucial to provide your plants with the necessary nutrients. Fertilizing and feeding your flower bed can help replenish the soil’s nutrients and promote overall plant health. Here’s what you need to know:

  1. Choosing the Right Fertilizer: There are various types of fertilizers available, including organic and synthetic options. Organic fertilizers, such as compost or well-rotted manure, are environmentally friendly and improve soil structure. Synthetic fertilizers, on the other hand, provide precise nutrient ratios and are quickly absorbed by plants.
  2. Timing and Frequency: When fertilizing your flower bed, it’s important to follow the recommended guidelines for each specific type of fertilizer. Generally, it’s best to apply fertilizer in early spring before new growth begins and again in early summer to support continued flowering. Be careful not to over-fertilize, as it can lead to excessive foliage growth at the expense of flowers.
  3. Feeding Techniques: Depending on the fertilizer you choose, different application methods may be required. Granular fertilizers can be spread evenly around the base of the plants, while liquid fertilizers can be diluted and applied directly to the soil or sprayed onto the foliage. Follow the instructions on the fertilizer packaging for optimal results.

Pest and Disease Control Measures

Keeping pests and diseases at bay is essential for maintaining a healthy front yard flower bed. By taking preventive measures and identifying problems early on, you can protect your plants and ensure their longevity. Here are some tips to help you with pest and disease control:

  1. Regular Inspections: Regularly inspect your flower bed for any signs of pests or diseases. Look for chewed leaves, discoloration, wilting, or unusual growth patterns. Early detection allows for prompt action and minimizes the risk of further damage.
  2. Natural Pest Control: Consider using natural methods to control pests before resorting to chemical pesticides. For example, introducing beneficial insects like ladybugs or lacewings can help control aphids and other harmful pests. Additionally, companion planting certain flowers or herbs can repel pests and attract beneficial insects.
  3. Disease Prevention: To prevent the spread of diseases, ensure proper air circulation by spacing plants adequately. Avoid overhead watering, as it can create a humid environment that promotes fungal growth. Remove any infected plant material promptly to prevent the spread of diseases.

By following these simple maintenance tips for pruning and deadheading, fertilizing and feeding, and pest and disease control, you can keep your front yard flower bed in excellent condition. With a little effort and regular care, your flower bed will become a vibrant and inviting focal point in your outdoor space.

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Simple Front Yard Flower Bed Ideas: Planning, Designing, And Maintenance | Garvillo (1)

Kim Phillips

I'm Kim Phillips, a passionate gardener and nature enthusiast. Gardening, for me, is not just a hobby; it's a way of life. It brings me a sense of tranquility and a connection to the earth that I cherish deeply. I hope to inspire fellow gardeners to embrace the magic of gardening and discover the joy of watching their gardens flourish.

Simple Front Yard Flower Bed Ideas: Planning, Designing, And Maintenance | Garvillo (2024)


How to plan a front yard flower bed? ›

Flower Bed Design

Don't place too-tall flowers in front of windows to avoid blocking the view. Keep walkways skirted with knee-high or shorter bloomers to ensure sprawling plants don't present an obstacle course. Avoid a stand-alone driveway edging bed, which draws attention toward your drive and garage.

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Start with foundation plantings and flower beds. Look for opportunities to add additional flower beds as well as trees and shrubs. Container plants can add color and texture to your porch, and if you have a fence, you can look for climbing and vining plants to add more variety to your design.

What is the best way to layout a flower bed? ›

In general, plants in borders are arranged with tall plants (taller than 2 to 3 feet) placed in the back, mid-size plants (10 inches to 2 to 3 feet tall) in the middle, and short plants (less than 10 inches) in the front of the bed. It is best to use groupings or drifts of plants for a natural feel.

How do you make your flower beds look professionally maintained? ›

How To Make Flowerbeds Look Professionally Maintained
  1. Use Weed Fabric. Putting weed fabric under gravel or mulch does more than keeping weeds out and retain moisture. ...
  2. Create an Edge. ...
  3. Use Crushed Stone. ...
  4. Use Starter Fertilizer. ...
  5. Use Pots. ...
  6. Choose Native Flowers. ...
  7. Incorporate a Variety of Flowers. ...
  8. Show Them Some Attention.

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iScape is the No. 1 app for landscape design.

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There are two basic rules when arranging plants in the beds: 1) space the individual plants so that they touch each other when they reach their mature size, and 2) overlap the masses of plants and connect them so that they flow without space between them. Avoid gaps or large open areas between masses.

What is the best shape for a flower bed? ›

Rectangle Great for both formal and informal spaces, this shape lends itself to neatly organized paths and beds, but is not good for a sloping site. L-shaped Either formal or informal, a bed in this shape divides the garden into distinct areas. It's also adaptable to many lot shapes and sizes.

What is the easiest way to arrange flowers? ›

Start by adding the largest flowers first, working in a circle and turning the vase as you go to make sure the arrangement is symmetrical. Layer in the next variety of flower and repeat until all flowers have been added. Finish the arrangement by adding greenery, grasses, or berries.

How do you arrange an annual flower bed? ›

Make sure you know what the mature size of each plant will be so you can properly space them apart. You can also plan to arrange the pattern of color you're looking for and plant them by size – You don't want the tallest plants up front and the rest hidden in your annual flower bed.

How do you plan a yard layout? ›

  1. 10 Important Things to Consider When Planning Your Landscape Design. ...
  2. Know your yard. ...
  3. Who will be using your yard? ...
  4. Think about themes. ...
  5. Create and link spaces. ...
  6. Make your plants work for you. ...
  7. Structure your plantings. ...
  8. Highlight important points.

How deep should a front flower bed be? ›

How deep should you dig a flower bed? How deep you should dig a flower bed will ultimately depend on the types of flowers that will be planted. The minimum depth should be at least 6” as the majority of plants will need a depth of 6-12” deep. 12” is also a safe bet.

How do I arrange my front garden? ›

Plant a long border beside a fence or in front of a retaining wall. Incorporate a mailbox in a curved bed that links the driveway and street. Allow perennial beds to creep into or border your front path. Plant some flowering vines—perhaps a climbing rose and a clematis—to scramble up your lamppost.


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Name: Frankie Dare

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Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.