Daily horoscope: May 7, 2024 astrological predictions for your star sign (2024)

With the Sun in Taurus linked to Saturn in Pisces, it’s perfectly fine to ask for help or advice if you need it.

Libra, feelings are in flux today, reminding you that the first choice doesn’t always have to be the final one. Take your time to decide.

And for Scorpio, productivity soars solo, but consider teaming up. Two heads might do wonders for your workload.

Ahead, you’ll find all thestar signshoroscopesfor today: Tuesday May7, 2024.

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March 21 to April 20

With the Sun in Taurus linking to Saturn in Pisces, there’s no harm in admitting that you need help or advice. Even if doing so makes others aware of certain weaknesses Aries, don’t let it stop you. In fact, yesterday’s line-up hints at the same issue. Have faith that discussing this can help you find closure and enable you to forge ahead with key plans. Don’t be too independent

Head here for everything you need to know about being an Aries


April 21 to May 21

You may not want to do something and yet feel strongly that you should. And the more pressure you put on yourself, the less you might want to make a move. Mind, if you stop thinking and just do it, that can work too. There are plenty of social options showing up for you over coming days, but the cosmos encourages you to discriminate for best outcomes and key opportunities, Taurus.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Taurus


May 22 to June 21

The Sun’s link to Saturn in Pisces, can shine a light on an opportunity that you may have coveted for some time. All you need to do is take practical steps to secure it by registering your interest. While Neptune in a key zone could encourage you to put off any action, Saturn’s more prudent energy might act as a catalyst, encouraging you to lay the groundwork and make a start, Gemini.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Gemini


June 22 to July 23

If you’ve hesitated to take an important step forward, the coming days could see you going ahead and feeling good about it. With a solid focus showing up, it can be easier to ask for the help you need, enabling you to make progress more easily. Ready for new opportunities? With the support and assurance of good friends, you may be inspired to bring a relaxing travel plan to life.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Cancer


July 24 to August 23

The Sun’s link to prudent Saturn suggests you’ll be keen to pool resources with those who understand you and with whom you feel a natural empathy. You’ll gain a lot if you put energy into creating a plan and strategically plotting the steps needed to make it a reality. On another note, discussing your biggest hurdle to success with someone could help you find a way to resolve it.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Leo


August 24 to September 23

If you have something delicate to say to someone, then this may be a good time to start a conversation that could inspire a fresh start. With the Sun making a key link, you’ll find it easier to be honest and sensitive at the same time. This blend of energies could help you to talk over a matter that’s caused you some difficulty in a key relationship, and soon resolve it.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Virgo


September 24 to October 23

A suggestion might appear like a great idea, but is it, Libra? Feelings can shift and change and may not be a reliable guide. If you’ve had practical experience of something similar, this could get you off to a positive start. Whatever the idea or plan, breaking it down into manageable chunks can make things easier, enabling you to take it in your stride and get results

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Libra


October 24 to November 22

This looks to be a very constructive day, when good things can happen if you’re willing to pair up with someone and work harmoniously together. If you commit to putting in the effort, you’ll easily get the results you’re after. This can work with a creative or entrepreneurial idea, but also with a budding romance. The key point is to be realistic, as that way you’ll get what you want.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Scorpio


November 23 to December 21

You may be eager to socialise, and paradoxically needing seclusion and quiet to think things through. This can be an excellent opportunity to resolve issues that might be hanging over you, as it might create space for fresh opportunities. Ready to tackle household expenses? A burst of inspiration could see you ready to save money on key goods and services, Sagittarius.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Sagittarius


December 22 to January 21

Your social life continues to sparkle over coming weeks, but it can be made all the richer by meetings with similar souls who see the real you beneath the more superficial level of the personality. They may see an artistic and compassionate side of you which could inspire a deeper bond. It might be time to share interests, attend events or collaborate on any fun or creative ideas.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Capricorn


January 22 to February 19

The impact you have on your friends can be greater than you imagine, and may be one reason why you’re popular. Despite this, someone could be a tad jealous which is why they might have seemed aloof. The coming day or so can be an opportunity to resolve this, perhaps by talking with them and letting them know they are important to you. This could be all it takes, Aquarius.

Head here for everything you need to know about being an Aquarius


February 20 to March 20

Be ready to drill down into the detail and be practical when it comes to a lucrative idea, negotiating a deal or sharing your expertise. Defining what you want rather than going with the flow and leaving things open-ended, will assist you in making your plan a reality. You can always tweak things later if needed, but having a sound foundation could work wonders.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Pisces

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Daily horoscope: May 7, 2024 astrological predictions for your star sign (6)

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Daily horoscope: May 7, 2024 astrological predictions for your star sign (2024)


What is the personality of a Taurus born on May 7? ›

Tauruses born on May 7 are quiet, highly principled people whose concern for others nearly always outweighs concern for themselves. They are uncritical in the extreme. Yet despite their seeming mildness, there is nothing weak or unreliable about them.

What is the love horoscope for Taurus? ›

Taurus Love Horoscope Today

Look for the best time to express your love. As the stars of romance are stronger today, you may propose to the crush and expect a positive response. Some married Taurus natives will try to rekindle the old love affair which can create a ruckus in marital life.

What is the rarest zodiac sign? ›

The constellation Ophiuchus, as defined by the 1930 International Astronomical Union's constellation boundaries, is situated behind the Sun from November 29 to December 18. The idea appears to have originated in 1970 with Steven Schmidt's suggestion of a 14-sign zodiac, also including Cetus as a sign.

Who is Taurus compatible with? ›

Which signs are most compatible with Taurus? According to Thomas, Taureans generally work best with water signs (Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio) and fellow earth signs (Virgo and Capricorn). “Earth signs share similar traits, such as stamina, practicality, work ethic, a focus on the material world and loyalty,” he says.

Who must a Taurus marry? ›

Taurus can succeed more in relationships when they learn to give a bit of space, making the connection even stronger. Some signs that go well with Taurus include Scorpio, Aquarius, Taurus, Leo, and Pisces.

Who are Taurus likely to marry? ›

High Taurus Compatibility: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn. The list of Taurus' compatible signs is long, despite this star sign's bullheaded nature. These high Taurus-compatible signs include Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn.

Do Taurus stay in love? ›

The build up in a relationship is typically slow but steady with a Taurus. Even if it takes them a while to say I love you or further commit, when a Taurus is all in, they mean it. They may like to take care of their partner by cooking meals or by being of service in other little ways.

What age will Taurus fall in love? ›

Taurus meets their soulmate between 16 and 18.

Being young and in love has its ups and downs, and it's okay to be uncertain whether a relationship will last at this time!

Will Taurus find love in 2024? ›

The first half will be wholly unfavorable, and you might not even want to get married because of some issues in your personal life, as per the Taurus love predictions for 2024. The second half of the year might bring some good proposals for you, but it is best recommended that you wait if you can.

How rare is a Taurus? ›

Taurus people make up 8.3% of the population and are as stubborn as they come. They are naturally caring and show true concern for their near and dear ones, which makes them a pleasure to be around.

What are the three rare zodiac signs? ›

If you're wondering what the rarest zodiac signs are and why, we've got the answers for you. Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces are typically considered the least common signs for a number of reasons. Many websites report that December, January, and February are the three least common birth months.

Which zodiac sign is more successful? ›

Capricorn is considered the most successful zodiac sign due to their hardworking nature and determination. They are known for their ability to set goals and achieve them, making them successful in their careers. Capricorns are also good with money and tend to accumulate wealth over time.

Who is Taurus true soulmate? ›

So, Who's the Best Match for Taurus? Taurus, grounded and steadfast, craves a soulmate who offers stability and security. Virgo and Cancer provide the grounding presence that Taurus seeks, nurturing a bond built on trust, loyalty and shared values.

Who can break Taurus' heart? ›

Once Taurus and Aquarius start dating, Brown says it will quickly turn into the worst decision a Taurus has ever made. Taurus is all about warmth, physical touch, and affection, while Aquarius is on the colder side.

What is Taurus' worst match? ›

Worst Match: Taurus and Sagittarius

No matter how much they may try, Taurus and Sagittarius just can't get in sync. Sagittarius is a bold and spontaneous fire sign who makes decisions based on how exciting they sound.

What are May Taurus known for? ›

Typical sun in Taurus traits include being hard-headed, down-to-earth, tenacious, reliable, loyal, and sensual. All of these characteristics mirror themes covered by the Second House of Self-Worth and Income, which Taurus rules.

What is Taurus luckiest day? ›

Taurus (April 20 to May 20)

"No matter how you'd like to use this energy, take charge and plant seeds in every area of your life." Thomas says "true love, a big career victory and a lucky breakthrough all could be yours" around May 18 this year.

What is Taurus best at? ›

As a sign, Taurus is fixed, an astrological quality that reflects Taurus's steadfast, loyal nature. Fixed signs are excellent at maintaining systems and Taureans prioritize consistency and reliability in all areas of their lives.

Are May Taurus loyal? ›

Taurus, represented by the bull, is known for its steadfast and reliable nature. Taureans are practical individuals who value stability and security in their relationships. They express loyalty through consistent actions and unwavering support for their partners.


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